You can arrive the day you want and stay as long as you want. We accept bookings from 2 nigths of stay. If you stay longer than 2 weeks, please ask for a quota. 

We accept cash (cfa and €), bank transfer, Orange Money and Wave (international apps to send money).

Option 1) the bus service running 24H, every hour. Exit the arrival hall and turn right, you’ll see some white busses 50 meters down the road. The price is 6000 FCFA (10 €). It’s possible to pay in euro but you can easily change money at the airport. You’ll not get lost as all the busses go to Yoff HLM- terminus –. From there you’ll easily find a taxi to the camp for 2500 cfa (5 euro).

Option 2) take a taxi directly to the camp. The price would be between 16.000 cfa (24 € ) in the day time and 21.000 cfa (32 € ) in the night time. Make sure to negotiate the price before getting into the car. In this case please don’t say “Malika” as this is also the name of a small village. Say to the driver : Yoff plage BCEAO, in front of Paradice beach. The house is at the corner.

Option 3) book our pick up service for 25.000 cfa (40 €) up to 4 persons in the same car. In this case our driver will be directly outside the exit with a sign MALIKA SURF CAMP or with your name.

We have wifi 24h in each room and in the common areas. The wifi is fast enough to make zoom video calls and download short movies. 

We have a large options of boards, long full wetsuits and shorty, for man, women and kids. The price of the surf packages or the surf lessons include the use of the equipment. 

The only vaccination required to come to Senegal is the Yellow Fewer. If you travel through the coast and in Dakar, the risk of malaria is very low. We advise you in any case to take the medication against malaria during the rainy season (August – October) and take the anti – tetanus vaccination.

We also advise you to take travel insurance because in Senegal any medical intervention needs to be paid for.

We are in contact with SOS MEDECIN in case of problems.

Travellers from the European Union don’t need a visa if they stay not more than 3 consecutive months.

Travellers from Swiss or other Countries may need one. We advice to get in contact with your own ambassy. 

PCR Test could be requires from some Countries. 

The country is one of the safer countries in West Africa.

Dakar, in particular, is the safest and most easily accessible city in the entire West Africa, as demonstrated by the number of organizations that have their regional headquarters in the city.

Change 1 Euro = 655 FCFA. You can easily change currency at a number of Currency Offices on the main roads or at the airport.

Buying a local phone card is the best option considering that calls within the country and to Europe is not expensive (2000 CFA price).

The pharmacies are well equipped and you can also find Malarone cheaper than in Europe.

Local buses and taxis are available to go everywhere, even if you have to constantly negotiate the price.


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    • Email:
    • Phone: Marta (+221)
    • Phone: Aziz (+221)
    • Adress: Yoff Plage BCEAO, villa 19
    • The surf shop is open every day from 9 AM to 7 PM